Privacy Policy
If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy using the Services, please contact us at infinimote.info@gmail.com
We at InfiniMote simply DON'T store or sell any of your data. To improve InfiniMote, we use external consoles which collect data for statistics and analytics. Here is the full list of external consoles we use:
Wix - used to run our website and website user statistics – wix privacy policy http://www.wix.com/about/privacy
Fabric Crashlytics - used for app crash analytics and in order to improve our app - privacy policy http://try.crashlytics.com/terms/ , https://answers.io/img/privacy.pdf
Google play developer console - used for app download statistics
Google analytics - used for our website user statistics
Google URL shortener - used for the computer program download statistics
https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/, https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
Moreover, we use firebase in order to share your panels through the internet by links. Shared panels are saved online, in firebase.
firebase privacy policy: https://www.firebase.com/terms/privacy-policy.html